Dear family and friends of ESA,
Please consider a gift to your school as you think about year-end giving and your tax deductions for 2014. It is easy to give online with a credit card. Simply scroll to the bottom of our home page, and click on ESA Donations. Your donation will be processed through SESAT (Supporters of Etobicoke School of the Arts Talent) and Canada Helps. Both are registered charities. Donations processed through December 31 are eligible for 2014.
If you would prefer to donate cash or write a cheque, donation forms can be found in the report card insert, Festive Program insert or in the school office. They can be dropped off at the school or mailed. Please make sure your donation is in to the office by December 19, prior to Winter Break, so it can be deposited before the end-of-year deadline.
Receipts can be provided for any donation over $20. Gifts can be designated to a particular arts major or where it is most needed. Other gifts will be divided equally between the majors, with a small amount given to the principal to use at his discretion and for proficiency awards for our graduates.
Thanks for your support of our students and the arts, creating the magic that is ESA!