Whether this is your first year, last year or somewhere in between, as you marvel at all the year end performances, please take a moment to reflect on your experiences. Your Council would like to hear from you. You can always reach us at council@esainfo.ca or annieagar@aol.com. (Your feedback will be kept anonymous.) Better yet, below you will find the agenda for our meeting tomorrow night, Tuesday May 9 at 6:30 in the library. Come and share your thoughts and ideas as we wrap up 2016-17 and pave the way for an even brighter future!
ESA School Council Meeting Agenda
Tuesday May 9, 2017; 6:30 p.m.
ESA Information Resource Room (Library)
Welcome and Introductions: Tanja Corovic and Ann Agar (6:30-6:33)
New Business: Equity and Diversity: Tanja Corovic (6:33-6:43)*
Principal’s Report: Ms. Peggy Aitchison (6:43-6:46)
Additional Reports: Council (6:46-6:55)
Trustee: Pamela Gough
SESAT: Bev Marinucci
Faculty/Staff: Enid Wray
Student Council: Ann Agar
Parent Engagement/PRO Grant: Frank Sgarlata
On-Going Business: Council (6:55-7:05)
Fun(d)raising: Flower Sale, Future Efforts
Graduation: Awards, Assistance
Air Quality/Environmental Compliance
Academics and the Arts:
Waitlists, AP Offerings, Post Secondary Preparation, Meeting the Needs of all Students, Wellness
Outstanding Issues and SSON
2017-2018 Planning
Officer/Interim Officer Elections: Ann Agar (7:05-7:15)
Recognition of Retiring Officers: Ann Agar (7:15-7:20)
Break (7:20-7:30)
PRO Grant Presentation: Understanding Your Teen: Frank Sgarlata, Sara Dimerman (7:30-8:45)
Question and Answer/Additional Council Needs (8:45-9:00)
Adjournment (9:00)
Next Meeting: Tuesday, June 6, 2017 – Planning for 2017/18, tentative
*Pre-Meeting at 6:00 for task force and all those interested.